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SELECT p.*, pc.portfolio_category_title, pc.portfolio_category_safe_title, pl.portfolio_location_title, ps.portfolio_style_title, pd.portfolio_doorstyle_title, pm.portfolio_material_title FROM portfolio AS p LEFT JOIN portfolio_category AS pc ON pc.portfolio_category_id = p.portfolio_category_id LEFT JOIN portfolio_location AS pl ON pl.portfolio_location_id = p.portfolio_location_id LEFT JOIN portfolio_style AS ps ON ps.portfolio_style_id = p.portfolio_style_id LEFT JOIN portfolio_doorstyle AS pd ON pd.portfolio_doorstyle_id = p.portfolio_doorstyle_id LEFT JOIN portfolio_material AS pm ON pm.portfolio_material_id = p.portfolio_material_id LEFT JOIN portfolio_to_uniquefeature AS ptu ON ptu.portfolio_id = p.portfolio_id LEFT JOIN portfolio_uniquefeature AS pu ON pu.portfolio_uniquefeature_id = ptu.portfolio_uniquefeature_id WHERE portfolio_safe_name LIKE 'main-kitchen-and-entrway-in-vineland-new-build' AND portfolio_active = 1

Sorry, this portfolio item could not be found!


Here at Canaan, we believe that your home should reflect your own uniqueness. Which is why we take the time during our initial consultation to understand what makes you tick – we’ll determine your likes, dislikes, wants and desires. Our designers will then present you with a proposed design, without any commitment required so you can make the most educated decision possible. Are you ready to take the first step in getting the home of your dreams? Book your initial consultation with our design team to get started!

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