What We Did
A dazzling reception area and elegant boardroom await your viewing pleasure in this commercial renovation. Daniel & Partners, a law firm located in downtown St. Catharines, was looking to spruce up their reception area and add a touch of elegance to their boardroom. Our design team worked with them to determine the exact style that they were looking to achieve. After the designs were ironed out, our team got to work on bringing the design to fruition.
Upon completion, the new reception area and boardroom are simply stunning! The reception desk features an elevated countertop for office visitors and plenty of storage for files and utility items. The true showstopper, however, is the new boardroom. Featuring elegant bookshelves and plenty of storage, the exquisite cabinet design is sure to make anyone pause upon entry.
Think your business could benefit from an office renovation? Book your free consultation with our design team today to get started!